Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hello. I am really excited for this class as I am highly interested in ramping up my technical skills. I am in the third term of the Masters in Library Science program and have chosen to do a dual major of both Archives and Digital Information Management. I graduate in December, at which point I hope to get a really fantastic job that will allow me to swiftly pay off my student loans and travel abroad at least twice a year. Aim high, as they say.

I will soon be starting an internship working on the project, about which I am absolutely thrilled. As far as my post-graduation career plans, I have a lot of great ideas and paths I'd like to take. Currently, I am interested in pursuing digital libarianship and/or metadata librarianship, and have heavily considered finding work in the private sector. I am so excited for all of the new opportunities having this degree will give me.


Nancy K said...

this is a late comment to your first post - did you know drexel now has a course about metadata and digital resources - the number is 661 and says it's cataloging II but it really isn't. I was taking it but dropped it because I didn't feel I could do this class and that one at the same time. I would be interested in finding out more about metadata as I had no idea what Dr. Park was talking aout while I was in the class

Commisioner said...

Good Luck with your internship. What will you be working on for the project? I grew up in Philly, so I will be sharing that site with my family.